

  • Dimensions: 80 x 85 x 38 mm
  • Weight: Approx. 240 g
  • Battery Type: 4 AA batteries
  • Battery Life:
    • At +25 °C: 3 years
    • Freezer applications: 3 years with L91 Photo lithium Energyzer batteries
  • Material/Housing: Kunststoff
  • Radio Frequency: 2.4 GHz


The Testo Saveris wireless temperature and humidity monitoring system works in conjunction with multiple radio probes. Probe versions with internal and external temperature sensors and with humidity sensors allow the adaptation to every application. The radio probes are available with an optional display that indicates current measurement data, the battery status and the quality of the radio link.

Saveris T1

The Saveris T1 radio probe featuers an internal NTC Thermistor.

  • Measuring Range: -35 to +50°C
  • Accuracy: ±0.4°C (-25 to +50°C); ±0.8°C (remaining range)
  • Resolution: 0.1°C
  • Protection Class: IP68

Saveris T2

The Saveris T2 radio probe offers an external NTC probe connection, internal NTC Thermistor, and door contact.

  • Internal Sensor Measuring Range: -35 to +50°C
  • External Probe Measuring Range: -50 to +150°C
  • Internal Sensor Accuracy: ±0.4°C (-25 to +50°C); ±0.8°C (remaining range)
  • External Probe Accuracy: ±0.2°C (-25 to +70°C); ±0.4°C (remaining range)
  • Resolution: 0.1°C
  • Connection: NTC via mini-DIN socket, door contact connection cable included in delivery (1.80 m)
  • Protection Class: IP68

Saveris T3

The Saveris T3 is a 2-channel radio probe with 2 external thermocouple probe connections.

  • Measuring Range: -195 to +1350°C (TC type K); -100 to +750°C (TC type J); -200 to +400°C (TC type T); to +1760°C (TC type S)
  • Accuracy: 0.5°C or 0.5% of mv
  • Resolution: 0.1°C; 1°C
  • Connection: 2 TCs via TC socket, max. difference in potential 2 V
  • Protection Class: IP54

Saveris Pt

The Saveris Pt radio probe features 1 external Pt100 RTD probe connection.

  • Measuring Range: -200 to +600°C
  • Accuracy: ±0.1 °C (0 to +60 °C); ±0.2 °C (-100 to +200 °C); ±0.5 °C (remaining range)
  • Resolution: 0.01°C
  • Connection: 1 Pt100 via mini-DIN socket
  • Protection Class: IP68

Saveris H3

The Saveris H3 humidity probe features internal %RH and NTC thermistor sensors.

  • NTC Measuring Range: -20 to +50°C
  • NTC Accuracy: ±0.5°C
  • NTC Resolution: 0.1°C / 0.1°C td
  • Humidity Measuring Range: 0 to 100 %RH
  • Humidity Accuracy: ±3 %RH
  • Humidity Resolution: 0.1%
  • Protection Class: IP42