The Monarch ACT-3X is a powerful, NIST calibrated, fully programmable tachometer and totalizer. It accepts inputs from all Monarch speed sensors or from any standard TTL generating device. The unit operates from 120/240V AC input power or from 12 or 24V DC input power (optional).
Programming the ACT-3X is easily performed through the 5 front-panel push buttons or using the optional PM remote software. Set up for single channel monitoring or use the auxiliary second channel input.
The scale factor is completely programmable for multiple pulses per revolution, linear rates, totalization, single event trip speeds and rate of change in rpm. A TTL pulse repeater output is standard.
Optional PM Remote Software
PM (Panel Meter) Remote Software is a Windows™ based software application that allows the user to customize the configuration of the ACT-3X tachometer / totalizer. Users can set the mode of operation to RPM, RPS, frequency, totalization, single event capture or rate of change and select the input scale (pulses per revolution). In addition, the decimal places displayed can be selected as well as the output scale of the optional analog output modules.