Starting at $140.00 Starting at $126.00
  • Usually ships in 3-5 business days



  • Continuous display of temperature, humidity and dew point
  • Temperature measuring range:
    • 608-H1: 0 to 50 °C; Accuracy: ±0.5 °C (at 25 °C)
    • 608-H2: -10 to 70 °C; Accuracy: ±0.5 °C (at 25 °C)
  • Humidity measuring range:
    • 608-H1: 10 to 95%; Accuracy: ±3% RH
    • 608-H2: 2 to 98%; Accuracy: ±2% RH
  • Dew point measuring range:
    • 608-H1: -20 to 50 °C; Accuracy: ±0.5 °C (at 25 °C)
    • 608-H2: -40 to 70 °C; Accuracy: ±0.5 °C (at 25 °C)
  • Max/min value display
  • Battery monitor
  • LED alarm reports limit value violations (model H2 only)
  • Humidity sensor is not affected by condensation


The Testo 608 thermo hygrometer is an affordable instrument that continuously measures humidity, temperature and dew point. The large display is easily viewable even at a distance, the suspension and standing fixtures allow flexible positioning on a table or the wall.

The Testo 608 has a max/min value display and a battery monitor. Thanks to the long-term stable sensor, you can rely on correct measurement results even after years. It is ideal for garden centers, storerooms, clean rooms, museums, laboratories, and more. The 608-H2 includes all the options found on the 608-H1 model with the addition of a precise alarm that reliably reports humidity and temperature limit value violations.