The MadgeTech HiTemp140X2 series of dual probe high temperature data loggers are comprised of a stainless steel data logger body that feature a
combination of either two remote temperature probes or one ambient and one remote temperature probe, offering extreme flexibility for high temperature
monitoring applications. This product line is ideal for applications such as oven mapping, surface temperature monitoring, autoclave validation,
sterilization processes, food processing applications and much more.
The HiTemp140X2-TD data logger models all feature a 2 inch rigid, fast response, transitional diameter probe to measure ambient temperature, combined
with a second 24 inch bendable stainless steel probe or a 72 inch flexible RTD probe option. The rigid 2 inch TD probe is made of stainless steel,
offers an ultra-fast response time and is suitable for measuring ambient temperatures in the harshest environments. The stainless steel PT probe
options provide the ability to retain shape when bent into position and the sharp probe tip allows for easy insertion. The stainless steel PT probes
also offer an extended measurement range to accommodate extremely high temperatures.
The HiTemp140X2-FP data logger models all feature the 72 inch lightweight, flexible RTD probe combined with a 24 inch bendable probe made of stainless
steel with either a 1 inch or 5 inch probe sheath at the tip, or also available with 2 flexible 72 inch RTD probes. The flexible FP probe design allows
the probe to be easily maneuvered and is ideal for temperature monitoring inside test tubes, small vials, and other delicate applications or tight
spaces. The narrow thermistor probe tip on the FP is compatible for use with the MicroDisc probe attachment, allowing for precise surface temperature
monitoring of shelving and more.
All MadgeTech HiTemp140X2 data loggers have the capacity to store up to 32,700 time and date stamped readings and feature non-volatile solid state memory
that will retain data even if the battery becomes discharged. The HiTemp140X2 data logger series is compatible with the latest version of the MadgeTech
Software. This allows for simple starting, stopping and downloading of collected data. Once the readings have been downloaded to the software, it can be
viewed in graphic, tabular, and summary form for easy analysis, as well as the potential to be exported into Excel for further calculations.
The MadgeTedch HiTemp140X2 requires the IFC400 interface package which includes software, a software manual, quick start guide, USB cable and USB docking