The MTL RTK P825 SmartAlarm Annunciator is designed as a complete alarm system with integral,
audible, relays and pushbuttons to provide a cost effective solution for monitoring critical process
alarms. The front panel mounted USB mini connector allows for easy connection to the user's
laptop or PC and simplifies the programming of the built-in ISA 18-1 1979 (R1992) alarm
The P825 provides dual horn relays, LED display, optional signal duplicating relays
and/or dual fully-featured and compact annunciator redundant power supplies, making the P825
an ideal choice where full functionality is required and space is at a premium. The P825's
modular design allows units to be assembled in three standard sizes: 8 ,16, and 24
channels. All sizes are housed in DIN standard enclosures.
All inputs are opto-coupled and comply to the stringent requirements of the European Directive
in Electromagnetic Compatibility and the Low Voltage Directive. This greatly reduces the
possibility of false alarms.