The precision GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator is a single range instrument designed to provide high a
accuracy and excellent long term measurement stability at an economical price. The GE Druck DPI 150 pressure
indicator utilizes the latest techniques in pressure measurement and manufacturing technology to combine
reliability, ruggedness, and accuracy with minimal cost.
The GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator offers powerful versatility in a small package and provides a range
of dedicated pressure functions. Designed to function as a local pressure indicator, the GE Druck DPI 150
pressure indicator's digital communications provide connectivity to larger systems required to log or monitor
pressure precisely.
Pressure Indication
The primary function of the GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator is accurate pressure measurement. The pressure
value can be displayed in one of 24 internationally recognized standard pressure units.
The GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator includes two user-configurable pressure scales that may be programmed as
a ratio to Pascals. Measurement precision is maintained by regular zeroing of the sensor, which is simply achieved
via a front panel key press. The Process Functions for Tare, Hold (front panel key), % Full Scale, Max/Min capture,
and Filter are also available to the GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator.
Pressure Leak Testing
A dedicated leak test mode allows the user to set a test time up to 999 seconds. The GE Druck DPI 150 pressure
indicator will calculate the leak rate over this period in current pressure units and display the results.
Airspeed and Airspeed Leak Testing
The GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator's Airspeed mode converts the differential pressure from the input into
Knots, mph, or km/hr. The Process Functions for Tare, Hold (front panel key), and Filter are also available in
this mode.
Similar to the pressure leak test, the GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator's airspeed leak test will calculate
the selected airspeed units and display the results.
Instrument Status
The calibration and maintenance history of the GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator, along with its configuration,
are stored within the pressure indicator and can be viewed via Status screens in the instrument set-up menu.
Analog Output (Optional)
This option can be programmed into the GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator via the set-up menu to output a signal
proportional to the instrument to interface with PC or PLC I/O cards, remote displays, chart recorders, or other
data logging equipment.
Barometric Reference (Optional)
The GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator is a gauge pressure indicator; in order to measure absolutely pressures,
an optional barometric reference is required. An atmospheric reading is added from reference port (located on the
back panel) to the gauge pressure at the positive input to provide an accurate absolute pressure reading on the
The GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator can display barometric pressure by selecting the reference sensor, providing
dual functionality as a pressure indicator and a lab barometer.
External IDOS Sensor
The GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator's rear panel has a female 5-pin socket for attaching the new IDOS external
Universal Pressure Module (UPM).
If only external measurement is required, the GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator can be ordered without an internal
pressure range. In this case, no range should be specified for the pressure indicator and the appropriate IDOS
UPM-S (Standard Version) or IDOS UPM-P (High Precision Version) sensors should be ordered.
A single GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator can display one pressure reading at a time but can switch between
internal and external sensors or the barometric reference. Absolute ranges can also be created by adding the
barometer and gauge readings.
IDOS sensors are supplied with their own temperature compensation and calibration data, making the external IDOS
fully interchangeable between IDOS compatible products such as the GE Druck DPI 150 pressure indicator and the
portable GE Druck DPI 800 pressure indicator.