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  • Usually ships in 5-7 business days



  • Automatic results storage
  • Microsoft Excel export
  • TTR Up to 62.5 V AC
  • ±0.05% accuracy
  • Additive/subtractive polarity direction
  • Excitation current
  • Auto screen dimming and power off
  • Pass/fail ratio evaluation
  • Instrument self-check
  • USB drive save and export
  • Belt loop carry bag
  • Battery operated with USB-C Rechargeable AA NiMH batteries included
  • Advanced Model features
    • Power DB Import
    • Customizable transformer vector list and voltages
    • Guided three phase transformer tests
    • Go/No Go short circuit impedance, open circuit, impedance


The Megger TTRU1 Handheld Transformer Turns Ratiometer performs routine polarity validation and turns ratio tests on power, distribution, and instrument transformers guided by color coded leads, clamps, and customizable on-screen vectors that match the transformer nameplate under test. In addition to turns ratio tests, the TTRU1 adds go/no-go short circuit, open circuit, and inductance test capabilities. Perform up to 1000 TTR tests on a single charge with AA NiMH batteries installed from the factory that can be charged with a USB-C cable.

The TTRU1 Basic is designed to test distribution, instrument (CTs and PT/VTs), and power transformers. With minimal user input, the TTRU1 delivers the required AC voltage and current to obtain accurate results. The TTRU1 Advance model's configurable vector list saves information for transformers routinely tested, simplifying selection of common transformer configurations and results interpretation. When exported, results are grouped by file name, creating an XLSX/PDF report that is easy to read, email, or import into PowerDB.