

  • 1/32 DIN
  • NEMA 4X
  • Easy, push-to-set key action
  • Countdown timer
  • Remote set point input
  • Low cost temperature control for multiple zones
  • Remote timer input
  • Universal power supply


Now available with a separate input for remote timer start, the popular Watlow Series 935 Temperature Controller is a panel-mounted, digital, indicating temperature controller with a timer. The Watlow Series 935 Temperature Controller also includes a single temperature sensor input from a thermocouple or RTD sensor and dual control outputs. The outputs may operate in a variety of modes including: heat, cool, alarm, and timer. The Watlow Series 935 Temperature Controller's timer function operates in a choice of delay-on, delay-off, signal-on, or signal-off modes.

The Watlow Series 935A Temperature Controller offers even more flexibility with a unique remote set point input; this feature provides the building block for multi-loop control. The new Watlow Series 935B Temperature Controller option provides a separate input to initiate timer start from a remote switch. Front panel lock capability rounds out the feature set on both versions. With both hardware and software lockouts, the Watlow Series 935 Temperature Controller will match your security requirements without compromising usability.