Starting at $83.00 Starting at $74.70
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  • -13 to 482°F temperature range
  • 1:1 distance to spot ratio
  • Accurate up to ±1°C (at -2 to +40 °C)
  • 0.95 emissivity
  • TopSafe case is dishwasher-proof
  • MAX/MIN values
  • Scan mode for permanent measurement
  • Waterproof protection case (IP65)
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The Testo 805 mini infrared thermometer is a waterproof unit that measure temperature without contact. The measuring range extends from -25 to 250°C, while the distance-to-spot ratio is 1:1.

The Testo 805 mini thermometer is ideal for rapid measurements in the food industry and in the home. It can also be used anywhere, e.g. in receiving goods inspections or for checking the cold shelves of supermarkets. Its unique non-contact measurement style allows for packages to remain fully intact when taking temperature readings.

The Testo 805 mini thermometer comes complete with temperature measurement unit, instruction manual and battery and can be ordred with the optional TopSafe case.