The TSI Alnor EBT720 manometer is one of the most advanced, versatile, and easy-to-use micromanometers on the
market today. The EBT720 accurately measures pressure, velocity (pitot) and flow while also providing data logging
functions making the meter ideal for HVAC commissioning, clean room certification, troubleshooting HVAC
systems and testing and balancing HVAC systems.
Measuring differential and static pressure from -15 to +15 inH2O (-3735 to +3735 Pa), TSI Alnor EBT720
manometers also feature automatic density correction and auto-zeroing, which allows you to make measurements
throughout the day. Additionally, the EBT720 offers min, max and averaging for up to 1,000 readings as well as
data logging with time and date stamp for 1,000 readings. The optional velocity matrix accessory is
useful in measuring face velocity through filters, coils, and other specialized spaces.
The TSI Alnor EBT720 manometer ships complete with carrying case, 18 inch pitot probe, two static pressure
probes, two 8-foot Norprene tubing, LogDat1 downloading software, serial interface cable, neck strap,
battery charger, four AA NiMH rechargeable batteries, universal AC adapter, NIST traceable calibration
certificate and user manual.