The AEMC Simple Logger® II is a one channel recording device powered by two alkaline batteries. Line
tracking is performed such that 64 samples over one line cycle are taken. Frequency tracking is performed
over the range of ±2Hz around the nominal line frequency (50 or 60Hz). Harmonic measurements are calculated
from these 64 samples (Harmonics are only available from the Simple Logger® II Control Panel within the
DataView® software).
The Simple Logger® II records TRMS at a rate of up to eight times per second. The measurement process is
performed no more than eight times per second. TRMS calculations are performed on a single line cycle.
This means that the input(s) are ignored between measurement intervals. The main advantage of the logger
is its ability to perform a variety of recording tasks with easy and intuitive setup from a computer
using DataView® software.
Analog information on the input is sampled and converted to a digital signal. This digital signal is
processed and stored along with scale and time information. An optically isolated Universal Serial Bus
(USB) port provides for the transfer of data from the instrument's internal memory to the computer for
Applications include:
- Surge and sag recording
- Long term supply monitoring
- Industrial, commercial, residential monitoring
- Monitor voltage harmonics
- Find intermittent voltage problems
- Machine monitoring