The Rosemount Hx348 pH Sensor provides a solution for difficult pH measurements. This combination pH sensor offers the unique Tri-Triple reference technology. The Tri-Triple reference is made up of three (3) separate peripheral liquid junctions that make contact with the solution, and then two (2) inner junctions that protect the reference. The first junction eliminates flow sensitivity and maintains a steady reference signal. The three overall reference junctions work together to help maintain a drift-free pH signal and fight poisoning ions (i.e. sulfides), even after numerous sterilization cycles.
Applications for this sensor can be found in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and food processing industries. The Model Hx348 pH sensor is a combination pH sensor that uses an S7 connector plug for quick disconnect from the cable. It is offered in four (4) different insertion lengths in either a disposable or refillable reference design.
The refillable sensor is ideal for critical measurements in difficult applications — i.e., sulfides, proteins, and sugars. It is offered with either the Tri-Triple reference junction for use in media containing proteins, or with a single, clog-free, platinum junction for use in media containing sulfides. The special electrolyte has been developed to inhibit reference contamination.
The disposable sensor has been developed to allow simplicity of use while still providing a stable pH signal over the long life of the sensor. Both the refillable and disposable sensors can be used with the pressurized mounting accessory or a similar assembly.