AccuMac AM8010 Precision Thermometer
Handheld single-channel digital readout for platinum resistance thermometers for accurate & portable temperature measurement.
- ±0.03°C accuracy at 0°C
- 0.01°C over the full range resolution
- -200 to 850°C temp range, depends on sensor
- USB interface for saving and displaying data on a PC
- ITS-90, IEC-751 (DIN)
- Callendar-Van Dusen conversion methods
The AccuMac AM8010 Precision Thermometer is a handheld thermometer readout for use with Platinum Resistance Thermometers (PRTs). It offers fast readings, high accuracy and stability in a portable package making it ideal for transporting between field applications and lab work. Users can select a conversion method or easily key in the specific probe constants and coefficients.
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