The Extech RH35 hygro-thermometer monitors humidity, temperature, and dew point for the previous 24 hours and alerts users to indoor mold hazard
conditions. An innovative graphical display shows the measured humidity values like a radar screen. The RH35 alerts users to humidity levels that
are too high or too low. A frown icon warns when humidity reaches 60% RH. When the RH exceeds 65%, a loud audible alarm and bright flashing red
LED will be triggered. The frown icon will also appear if the environment is too dry (under 40% RH) where static electricity becomes a concern.
The Extech RH35 hygro-thermometer is ideal for applications for commercial, retail and residential sites prone to mold such as laboratories, R&D,
server rooms, clean rooms and bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing areas. It is also for use in area where monitoring for humidity is paramount including
museums and storage and document archive facilities.