The Badger Meter Oscillating Piston Flow Meter is one of the most cost effective methods for metering process fluids in
the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. The simple but efficient design of the OP meter generates high accuracy
and repeatability over the entire meter flow range. Magnetic, through-the-wall transmission prevents operator exposure to
corrosive fluids and protects the fluid from external contamination.
Offered in three sizes for flows up to 100 gpm, these meters are extremely rugged, reliable and need little
maintenance and calibration. With only three internal moving parts, maintenance is seldom required. If necessary, it takes but a
few minutes.
All parts are designed and built of materials recommended for your application, providing you with a long life, trouble-free,
precision flow meter. All sizes of the meter are offered in chemical and sanitary (3A approved) configurations with a wide variety
of end fittings to match your piping. The meter's compact design and mode of operation allows for installation in tight spaces and
in any position.
To complement the OP meter line, Badger Meter offers a complete line of accessories that includes mechanical, pneumatic,
electromechanical and electronic transmitters, totalizers, indicators and batch/process controllers.