Rotronic HygroPalm HP32 Handheld Humidity Meter
Spot check or data log relative humidity, temperature & psychrometric calculations when paired with any HC2A or HC2 probe.

Rotronic HygroPalm 32 Handheld Humidity Meter -
Rotronic HygroPalm 32 Handheld Humidity Meter with HC2A-S Probe (Sold Separately) -
Rotronic HygroPalm 32 Handheld Humidity Meter with HC2A-S Probe (Sold Separately) -
Rotronic HygroPalm 32 Handheld Humidity Meter with Standard Soft Case -
Rotronic HygroPalm HP32 Handheld Humidity Meter Product Video -
Rotronic HygroClip2 Humidity and Temperature Probe Product Video
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