The Druck HTP1 hydraulic hand pump is currently the only portable hydraulic pump capable of generating pressure up to
10,000 psi utilizing hydraulic oil, Skydrol, or distilled water. The HTP1 pump include a unique high pressure or
priming selector on the scissor action pump mechanism, making pressure generation above 5,000 psi easier.
The HPT1 portable hydraulic pump supplies pressure generation with standard fine-tuning adjustments and
pressure relief valves. The HPT1 is ideal for use with electronic calibrators, digital indicators, analog gauges, pressure
transmitters, transducers, relief valves, or similar instrumentation.
The rugged and reliable design of the HPT1 portable hydraulic pump and its fine adjustment controls provide a
low cost way to verify the performance of pressure instrumentation. SI Pressure HPT1 portable hydraulic pumps can be
purchased independently or in a kit including carrying case, NPT adapters, seals, and hoses.
Also available is the Analog Pressure Calibrator Kit which combines a hand pump,
adapters, hoses, washers, carrying case and a high quality analog pressure gauge. This versatile calibration solution is a cost
effective means of checking various pressure instrumentation such as transmitters, transducers, and pressure switches.
Other hand pumps available from Druck:
- LTP1: Pneumatic pump provides pressure and vacuum
generation from -27 inHg to 30 psi
- TP1-40: Pneumatic pump provides pressure and vacuum
generation from -28 inHg to 600 psi