The 1/4 DIN Fuji Electric PVX controller for process and temperature control applications has nine 20-segment
control patterns that you can store, call up, and run at any time without re-entering control variables. Besides
saving time, the stored patterns ensure that the same process is run according to specification each time
without the risk of entering incorrect values while reprogramming. Because of this feature, the Fuji Electric PVX
controller is perfect for manufacturers using the same system to make a variety of products - each requiring its
own unique control "recipe". Individual patterns can even be linked with other patterns or set to repeat in a
continuous cycle. Each pattern can contain up to nine individual PID settings with Ramp/Soak up to 180 segments.
Fuji Electric PVX controllers also offer the convenience of a three-parameter simultaneous display. At a glance,
the current temperature (process variable, PV), the setpoint (set variable, SV), and the current output level
(manipulated variable, MV) are clearly visible. The Fuji Electric PVX controller's front panel indicators tell what
pattern is used and what individual segment the process is currently on; also whether the current segment
is ramping up, holding steady, or ramping down.
Inputs standard to the Fuji Electric PVX controller include thermocouple, RTD, 0-10mV, 0-100mV, 0-1V, 0-5V,
0-10V, and 4-20mA. Standard outputs include relay, DC voltage pulse, and 4-20mA. Standard PID autotuning
calculates PID control settings for you, thereby optimizing system performance. The Fuji Electric PVX controller
also features a manual override which allows you to take control of the process at any time.
Another feature that is standard to the Fuji Electric PVX controller is password protection, which prevents accidental
or unauthorized changing of parameters. In addition, digital filtering prevents external noise from affecting the input
signal. The Fuji Electric PVX controller's sensor break protection protects your process if the input sensor fails.