The Jewell Instruments Pro 3600 Digital Protractor is a handheld measuring tool that provides an immediate, digital reading
of all angles in a 360º circle. As the protractor is moved, the liquid in the sensor seeks a new position, resulting in changes
in the sensor's electrical capacitance. A microprocessor analyzes the changes and calculates the angles seen on the display.
The Pro 3600 also outputs its measurements in a continuous RS232 data stream that can be read by computers, data loggers and
printers. Normally, level is displayed as 0.00º. However, a new reference point for 0.00º can easily be established by pushing
the ALT ZERO button. You can also "freeze" any displayed angle by pushing the HOLD button. Display resolution is 0.01º near
level (0.00º to 9.99º) and 0.1º at all other angles (10.0º to 90.0º). The bottom surface contains a V-groove and threaded mounting
holes. The Pro 3600 is easily recalibrated by the user in just a few minutes without any special fixtures.